Your story isn’t over…

Often times I get discouraged and frustrated when things aren’t happening in the time that I want them to. I want things to progress more quickly. I want to see results for my efforts.

I think we’ve all been there right? Thinking that we know better than the Almighty and our timing is perfect.

My daughter sent me a random text yesterday and it just said

Sarah was afraid, so she denied it, saying, “I didn’t laugh.” But the Lord said, “No, you did laugh.”

Genesis 18:15 NLT

This immediately put my thoughts into a tailspin. Because at that moment, the Lord, nearly audibly spoke to me saying, “How many times have you done that, Angie? I have a plan and you laugh. You scoff. You think it can’t happen. But where is your trust?”

So often we are like Sarah. We wait and we wait and we wait and then when we don’t see things happening in our perceived time we think it won’t ever happen. But God’s timing is always better than ours and as long as we are still breathing on this Earth, our story isn’t over, so let’s not act like it is.

We need to keep pushing, keep striving towards what God has called us to knowing that it may take a long time, but in the end His timing is worth it because it will be more fruitful than it ever would be.

My pastor gave this analogy once a long time ago about a sling shot. If you take a sling shot and you don’t stretch it very far, the rock won’t go very far. But the more it’s stretched, the further it will go.

Sometimes we are being stretched and it feels awful, but in the end it can take us right to where God needs us to be and much further than we could’ve gotten on our own.

I’ve said this before and will more than likely say it again. Joseph is my favorite story in the Bible and talk about a man that was stretched! He had dreams of what God was calling him to, but it took a long time and a lot of stretching before it came to pass. He needed that time to cultivate and truly become the person he needed to be in order to accomplish that.

It’s hard in the moment to remember that. That it takes time and patience. Especially in our “microwave society”. That the things we go through can build us up into the people that God is calling us to be and lead us to fulfill the plan He has for us. It will not always be quick and immediate.

Just hold on. Be still. Have Godfidence! Your story isn’t over yet. The Author is still writing.

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